B12 injections are, essentially, a vitamin supplement.

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in keeping your nerves and blood cells healthy. It’s usually obtained from foods such as meat, fish, milk and eggs. But deficiency is common and is typically caused by either a vegan or vegetarian diet or an underlying health condition (such as pernicious anaemia).

Injected intramuscularly into the arm, B12 shots – also known as hydroxocobalamin – can boost the level of this vitamin in your system, having an almost immediate effect.

A dose can be given every 3-6 months to those suffering from a deficiency, helping to reduce symptoms such as tiredness, lack of energy, breathlessness, headaches and more. Or, even if you’re not suffering from a deficiency. vitamin B12 injections can simply be given to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

If you have a B12 deficiency, or are simply looking for a way to feel healthier and more alert, vit B12 injections could be a great option. And here at eJoli clinic, we’re regarded as one of the leading providers of hydroxocobalamin in the UK and always happy to be of assistance.

Perhaps you’ve adopted veganism and have started to feel run down? Perhaps you struggle to sleep and are tired all the time? Or maybe you experience frequent ‘mental fog’ and grogginess?

Vitamin B12 shots could make a huge difference.