eJoli Clinic has been approached to be one of a handful of clinics nationwide to launch BELKYRA® (also known as Kybella) to the UK market, due to our many years of experience in the field of anti-aging injections.

The treatment is designed to treat ‘submental fullness’, which involves dissolving excess fat beneath your chin (double chin). The long and anticipated launch of BELKYRA® now means that there is a new and remarkably effective choice for treating this normally difficult area. Compared to the higher price and risks attached to surgical options, treatment with these fat-dissolving injections offer clear advantages & benefits for you.

What is BELKYRA®?

It is a non-invasive treatment for double chin fullness which has shown meaningful results in over 90% of patients.

It is ideal if you have a mild to moderate amount of fat beneath your chin, enabling our doctors to target this area very precisely, breaking down the fatty deposits. However, this is not an substitution to healthy diet and exercise where there is a more generalised weight or obesity issue.

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Where has BELKYRA® come from?

Whilst BELKYRA® is new to the UK market, it has been a proven & popular treatment for a number of years in the USA, where it is known as Kybella. It has now been passed by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) for release in the UK.

How Does BELKYRA® Work?

BELKYRA® (Kybella) is an injectable product which is based on Deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is produced naturally in your body, where normally works to help the body to absorb fat.
When injected into fatty tissues, the agent physically destroys your fat cells, breaking down deposits of fat leaving you with a smoother and more lean profile.

What to Expect from BELKYRA®?

BELKYRA® is administered as an injection into the fat tissue in your chin area (submental). Treatment can involve up to 50 injections in order to treat the whole area evenly and comprehensively. For best results, our doctors may recommend a course of treatments for you with up to 6 sessions 3-4 weeks apart.
Manufacturers Kythera Biopharmaceuticals Inc said over 90% of those who tried the drug maintained a meaningful reduction of fat after two years, based on trials across Europe and the United States.

Is BELKYRA® safe?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Kybella as a treatment for adults with moderate-to-severe fat below the chin, known as submental fat.
BELKYRA® (UK brand name) has now been approved by the MHRA for use in the UK.
BELKYRA® (Kybella)

From £750 – £1,000per session

DESO Body & DESO Face Fat Dissolving Injections


DESO BODY and DESO FACE are the next generation of injectable Deoxycholic Acid ‘fat dissolvers’ in the UK.

DESO Body/Face are state-of-the-art fat dissolving injectable products designed to treat those difficult localised pockets of fat. Areas that can be treated include a ‘double’ chin, the arms, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner knees, thighs and back or bra ‘rolls’. Depending on the area treated and the amount of fat involved, several sessions may be required to achieve the desired result.

In line with similar injectable treatments like Aqualyx®, the active ingredient is Deoxycholic Acid, proven to reduce fat deposits for the right patients. The product is conveniently separated into a face and body concentration and side effects are minimal. In addition, DESO is known to result in much less swelling than Aqualyx®.

When treating the body localised fat is reduced and skin firmness is improved.  When treating the face, drainage of excess fluids takes place as well as reduced localised fat amounts.

This treatment requires skill with administration to obtain the best results. Injections may only be administered subcutaneously, avoiding muscular or dermal tissue. Only a qualified and appropriately trained Doctor/Nurse should be administering this treatment, and you should aim for a well scrutinised practice (for example, with Save Face accreditation).

What is Deoxycholic Acid?

Deoxycholic acid normally emulsifies and solubilises dietary fats in the intestine, and when injected subcutaneously, it disrupts and destroys fat cells in that tissue making it the perfect agent to remove stubborn pockets of fat. Like most non-surgical fat reducing procedures, intralipotherapy using DESO FACE and BODY is not intended for the obese body but does target the fat at cell level making it one of the most successful formulas for targeting specific areas.

Side Effects & Complications

Serious risks of DESO treatment are extremely small, but these include redness, pain, irritation, allergic reaction, pigmentation, tissue necrosis (very rare) and temporary nodules. There are special aftercare instructions you would have to adhere to and the drainage of the treated fat cells can be improved by adding other therapies (e.g. compression and/or ultrasound).


DESO injections are contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute/untreated hormonal disorders (e.g untreated thyroid disease, advanced organ disease (e.g. renal/hepatic failure), allergy to the substance or materials necessary for the procedure, severe autoimmune disease, immunosuppression, active infection and Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD).


A thorough consultation is essential to establish 1) an appropriate indication and 2) no barriers to treatment. You have the opportunity to leave things as they are to consider matters further (a ‘cooling off’ period), or to proceed with treatment on the day following fully informed written consent. This means that following thorough discussion, you consent to the treatment with full understanding of the benefits and risks.

Following your consultation, an assessment is necessary to confirm that the area desired for treatment is suitable – this depends on the thickness of the fat, measured by ‘pinching’ with a caliper. Too little fat and the procedure carries unecessary risk. Generalised obesity is also inappropriate for DESO treatment. This assessment will allow up to calculate the amount of product required, the number of sessions, the safest session interval and the final cost of your treatment plan.

The treatment areas are then marked and baseline photography is taken with your permission. The sterile product used is mixed with local anaesthetic and drawn up into a small syringe. The skin in the treatment area is cleaned then disinfected and the product is injected with a needle. Multiple injections are required per treatment area. The procedure causes minimal pain and lasts around 20-30 minutes, depending on the area(s) treated. You may notice tiny puncture marks and it is common to have localised redness. An compression garment may be recommended, depending on the treated area.


Following DESO fat dissolving injections we would advise that you:

  • Avoid Aspirin for pain to reduce the risk of bruising or bleeding. Paracetamol is acceptable. Intermittent cooling with ice can be used by applying for 5 minutes post-procedure. A simple fan can also be helpful for discomfort.
  • Bruising may occur. Avoid direct sunlight, sunbeds and heat therapies during the treatment period.
  • Avoid hot baths and showers (tepid water only) for 5 days.
  • Nodules are not uncommon. They can last up to a month and usually disappear without any intervention. However, your Practitioner would need to assess anything unusual.
  • A compression garment may be worn for 2-5 days following treatment (this will be guided by your Practitioner’s recommendation).
  • Contact your Aesthetic Practitioner with any concerns without delay.